Generation Adventure is a culmination of pushing yourself outside your comfort zone both mentally and physically. It is to discover strength inside yourself, and realize your abilities.
I have come to the conclusion that Adventures are what you make of them.
Not necessarily the mode of transportation, or destination, or even journey. It’s a culmination of individual parts that make it. You don’t have to ride a motorcycle to the end of the world. You don’t have to scale a huge mountain. You don’t have to specifically overcome a giant life hurdle to have an Adventure. Yes all of these things can constitute one, but it does not have to be as deep and philosophically challenging as one might think. It all depends on the individual. Maybe a hike on an island to an isolated beach to read a good book defines an adventure. Possibly traveling to an ancient land to appreciate history, or giving back to society in some way, shape or form.
I am discovering that it’s a bigger picture.